Scuba Tank Hydro Testing
All Scuba Tanks need to be tested hydrostatically every 5 years. The question is: Do you take it to a dive shop that will just turn around and send it to an outside facility to be tested? When you bring your Scuba tank to us, it is tested right here in our facility, no shipping it out to anyone. We take care of your tanks in house. We are the only dive store in Maine and one of only a few in New England that is a licensed D.O.T. cylinder hydro testing facility. This feature gives ultimate quality control and speedy service of your equipment as we do not have to rely on sending your equipment to an outside service provider.
Visual Inspection of Scuba Tanks
Scuba Tanks need to be visually inspected every year, and we do it all right here. The Visual Inspection checks the inside and outside of the tanks for any rust, corrosion, neck cracks, pitting, oxidation, or any other problem that might have occurred since the last inspection. Our staff is trained and certified by P.S.I., the nation’s leader in cylinder visual inspection training. Note: Professional Dive Facilities will refuse to fill a tank that doesn’t have a current visual inspection sticker valid within the last year.
Equipment Repair
We offer a wide range of repair options for our customers. If your equipment needs repair, bring in and we'll see how we can help you. Our knowledgeable staff has been working in the scuba field since 1979. Being in business for so long, we have parts and knowledge of older equipment that newer shops have never seen. We treat every repair as if your life depended on it, which it does.
Regulator Overhauls
Many manufacturers require your Regulator, both the primary and the secondary, to be serviced at least once a year. Some brands require this documentation to keep your lifetime warranty from being voided. Your breathing underwater is a direct result of your regulator performance. By having your Regulators serviced every year, you are less likely to have a problem with it underwater. Regulators are life support equipment not just another accessory. Give it the care you deserve.
Gauge Accuracy Checks and Calibrations
We are certified, and equipped to Check and Calibrate your Submersible Pressure Gauge, (SPG) and depth gauge. If you doubt the accuracy of your depth gauge we can test it in our pressure chamber. We work on many makes and models. But, if for some reason it can not be fixed, we have a good selection of new and used Gauges to choose from.

Quality Air Fills
We are a P.A.D.I. Five Star Center, and to be a Five Star Center our air is tested by an outside laboratory every three months to insure that it meets the stringent requirements for underwater breathing air. In addition we are the only dive store in Maine to own their own air quality test kit and listed by the Maine State Department of Health to conduct air quality tests throughout the state for breathing air compressors. We are conveniently located just a short distance from Interstate 95, so if you are in need of air or equipment, we are easy to reach.
Nitrox Tanks Filled
Yes we fill Nitrox tanks, so look no further. We were the first blending station in the state. Our gas blenders can custom mix your specialty. Divers must present Nitrox certification before filling. We also teach a Nitrox Specialty Class, see Class Schedule link on the left for more information about becoming Nitrox Certified.
Dry Suit Repairs
Lets face it, you paid a lot of money for your Dry Suit, so why throw it out when a problem arises. Bring it to us, we can most likely fix it for you, and save you a small fortune. Our full size dry suit test tank allows us to submerge and pressurize your suit and check for leaks. We offer many options for the Diver that has a problem with their Wet Dry Suit. Many repairs can be done on site.